Before I forget… THE LEAGUE IS COMING!
That’s right, The League V is coming August 7th, so get your team ready.
Thanks once again for a phenomenal night. You guys never disappoint!
Congratulations to 1Q12P who swept the evening and actually knew all 4 names of Teletubies. I’m not sure what that says about you, but… good for you. In 2nd was Some Asshole’s Chaps, still one of my favorite name series.
In game two, second place can in the Happy Luffa, AKA the Beer Buds (said in my worst Texas draw). Well done guys.
As I said, you get the lovely Elizabeth at the helm next week so give her hell (but not too much).
The Phrase That Pays: “Give me a point Elizabeth, this is the phrase that pays”
See you in 2 weeks, I’m out!
Do not forget to keep checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and right here at for bonus point opportunities, #didyouknow spectacularness and more.