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2019 Readers Choice for Best Trivia Night - Fort Worth Weekly

2019 Readers Choice for Best Trivia Night - Fort Worth Weekly

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…or the Power Puff Girls.  Which if you did not know, was named Whoopass Girls but the network was asked to change the name as parents did not want children associated with cuss words.  It’s a fact!  Mixing up bonus questions again, I took the first question of each game and created themed bonus questions for the entire game.  So…

Game 1:  Bonus Question Theme – Power Puff Girls!  Oh, my aching Mojo Jojo!

With the Mouseaholics out for the evening, who would rise to the top?  Hot Tequila, Pocket, No Folk and Chance, Missouri loves Colorado?  We would see!  Or would it be a new team?  How about Pine Apple, The Salmon of Capistrano, Triple D’s, Slooty Sea Turtles, or Holy Water.  Some great team names, some amazing trivia to be had!

2 rounds in and we knew it was going to be fun.  Master Batters and Pocket were tied for first with an amazing 11 points.  However, Mo Loves Co, Hot Tequila and No Folk and Chance were in the mix just a single point out of 1st.  Newcomers The Salmon of Capistrano and Triple D’s were in the mix too, just 1 and 2 points out of 2nd place and still in the running for 1st.  This game, as it always seems to be, would come down to round 3 and the Power Puff Girls bonus questions.

No Folk and Chance had a chance but only grabbing 6 bonus points and leaving points on the board in round 3, they fell to 3rd place.  Master Batters, our leaders, got caught looking and struck out in round 3, getting a single point for the round and only 4 bonus points out of 8 dropping them from first to 5thPocket, wanting a little revenge from last week, ended strong with 8 points in round 3 and 5 out of 8 bonus points.  However, Hot Tequila was feeling the burn and also took 8 points in round 3 and apparently, they love the Power Puff Girls as they grabbed an amazing 6 out of 6 bonus points plus a wildcard bonus point, I threw out there for a total of 7, giving them a 1-point win over Pocket! 

It was a great battle up to the end, and I knew we were in for more shenanigans in game 2!

1st place Game 1 – Hot Tequila

2nd place Game 1 – Pocket!

Game 2: Bonus Question Theme – Monty Python! 

Where would our bonus questions go this time?  Oh yes, one of my favorites…Monty Python!  This would be a fun bonus theme…or not.  I was nice and limited the bonus questions to the Holy Grail movie.  Who would get eaten by the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog?  Who would guess red, no blue, ahhhh…we would find out shortly.

2 rounds in and 2 crazy question number 5’s.  I have to say it has been a hot minute since I have been booed 3 times in 1 game.  Round 1 we had a Presidential nickname “The Last Cocked Hat” and round 2 we had a fun question about the game of operation and how many points you get by removing the humerus.  Apparently, that question was not humorous, but I got a laugh out of the guesses.  However, the questions did not scare my trivia heads and we saw 2 new teams in the lead at the end of 2 rounds.  Pine Apple and Double D’s were sitting pretty with 11 points after the first 2 rounds.  They had a nice 3-point lead over Hot Tequila and 4 points over No Folk and Chance.  Could they maintain it?  Could Pocket make a comeback after starting with 4 points?  How about Master Batters and Holy Water?

Sitting Bull was a member of which Native American tribe?  Yes, that was boo #3 for me on the night.  There were some great questions to make you think in this game.  2 rounds in and 1 to go, how would we fare?  I will tell you…

We ended in a 3-way tie for 1st this evening.  Double D’s and Pine Apple maintained their course and tied for 1st with 18 points.  No Folk and Chance missed out by a mere 2 points, finishing the night at 16.  Thanks to 4 bonus points and 6 points in round 3, we saw Hot Tequila stay hot and get in the mix for first, finishing at 18 points as well.  Pocket played well but got torn on a couple of questions locking them down tied for 6th.

On to the tie breaker questions:

Question 1 – The King James Version is comprised of how many verses?  We were all over the board here with a guess in the 20’s, on just over 2000 and one just over 50000.  Congrats to Double D’s on the win and taking first place!

Question 2 – Between the 1992/93 season and the 2019/20 season, how many different nationalities have played in the EPL?  We had a guess of 7 and a guess of 20.  There are over 100 different nationalities that have played in the EPL.  Congrats to Hot Tequila for taking 2nd!

1st place Game 1 – Double D’s

2nd place Game 1 – Hot Tequila

A huge thank you to the Cowtown crew for taking care of us all!  Gavin, Heather, Christiana, Addy, Jeff, Paul, Tim, and crew.  You all make my life easier by bringing the teams cold beer and hot food.

I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday, at Cowtown Brewing Co., from 7pm – 9pm for another fun night of PubGuys trivia!

Until then…

Slàinte Mhaith

The Angry Irishman

PG - Brett

Do not forget to keep checking FacebookTwitterInstagram, and right here at for bonus point opportunities, #didyouknow spectacularness and more.

Scores for 2022-08-16

Game 1

hot tequila
no folk n’ chance
the salmon of capistrano
master batters
missouri loves company
triple d's
holy water
slooty sea turtles
pine apple
we c*nt agree

Game 2

hot tequila
pine apple
double d's
no folk n’ chance
missouri loves company
holy water
the salmon of capistrano
master batters
slooty sea turtles
we c*nt agree