Yo, Dr. Jechyll's crew! Great to see all my regulars here tonight. The weather is sultry and steamy, but the beers are cold and the trivia is fresh! Thanks for coming out and hanging with me again while Katie is away playing in Utah or something. Hope to see you all again this Friday for our Star Trek themed trivia to benefit the Arlington Public Library.
Shout outs to Total Recall and Good Luck, Trebek! for duking it out all night in a fierce battle of wits. Ultimately, Good Luck won the fight.
See you next week!
Find me before 7pm and answer th following question for a bonus point:
What is my dog's name?
I know this is some Hobbit-level, what's in my pocket bull-shittery, but so be it!
Do not forget to keep checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and right here at pgtrivia.com for bonus point opportunities, #didyouknow spectacularness and more.