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2019 Readers Choice for Best Trivia Night - Fort Worth Weekly

2019 Readers Choice for Best Trivia Night - Fort Worth Weekly

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....crazy smart!

Make sure you follow The Angry Irishman and Keyworth Brewing Co. on Facebook to keep on top of current events.  Coming September 7th is Keyworth Brewing Co. 1 year Anniversiary!  You can get the details here.

The atmosphere was electric as trivia enthusiasts gathered for a thrilling night at Keyworth Brewing Co. With The Angry Irishman at the helm, it promised to be an evening full of challenges, surprises, and fierce competition. The teams were set, the food was served, and pint glasses were filled to the brim. As everyone settled in, it was clear that this was going to be a night to remember.

Game 1: A Battle to the Finish

As the first game kicked off, the excitement was palpable. After two intense rounds, Tailinhand Abbot had taken an early lead, sitting pretty at 16 points. Their confident start had them feeling optimistic, but the competition was hot on their heels. M&D, Cannonballers, and Beer Necessities were all tied at 12 points, well within striking distance. Beer Pressure, not far behind, knew they needed a strong performance in Round 3 to make their way into the top ranks.

Round 3 began with a buzz of anticipation, and it did not disappoint. The Mother Cluckers, M&D, and Club Shay Shay found themselves in a three-way tie for 5th place, each team giving their all to secure a spot in the top five. Meanwhile, Beer Pressure and Beer Necessities were locked in a tie for 3rd, both teams battling fiercely for a place on the podium.

Tailinhand Abbot, despite their stellar start, managed only 4 points in Round 3. The tension mounted as they anxiously awaited the final results, hoping their early lead would be enough to carry them to victory. But in a stunning turn of events, the Cannonballers lived up to their name, blasting past the competition with an impressive 8-point performance in the final round. The upset was complete, and the Cannonballers took 1st place, leaving Tailinhand Abbot to wonder what might have been. As the first game wrapped up, the teams prepared for one more chance to claim victory.

Game 1 Winners:

1st place – Cannonballers

2nd place – Tailinhand Abbot

Game 2: Redemption and Resilience

Determined to make up for their near miss in Game 1, Tailinhand Abbot entered Game 2 with a renewed sense of purpose. But they weren’t the only ones with their eyes on the prize. After two rounds, Hook 'Em had established themselves as the team to beat, sitting comfortably in 1st place with 14 points. Club Shay Shay was close behind with 11 points, and Tailinhand Abbot found themselves in 3rd, just 4 points out of 1st place.

The stage was set for an epic final round. As Round 3 began, the question on everyone’s mind was whether Hook 'Em could hold onto their lead or if they would falter under pressure. With only 1 point scored in the final round and 1 bonus point, Hook 'Em found themselves on shaky ground, their early dominance suddenly in jeopardy.

Killer Rabbit, seizing the opportunity, put in a remarkable 8-point performance in Round 3. But despite their valiant effort, it wasn’t enough to secure the top spot, and they had to settle for 3rd place. Club Shay Shay and Last Place rounded out the top five, both teams delivering solid performances but falling just short of the victory.

Tailinhand Abbot, sensing victory within their grasp, managed to score 5 points in the final round. They waited with bated breath, hoping that their efforts would be enough to propel them to the top. But as the final scores were tallied, Hook 'Em let out a collective sigh of relief. Despite their struggles in the last round, their early lead had given them just enough cushion to hang on by the narrowest of margins. In the end, they claimed 1st place, narrowly edging out the competition and securing their place as the champions of Game 2.

Game 2 Winners:

1st place – Hook ‘Em

2nd place – Tailinhand Abbot

A huge shoutout to Juan, Josh, Michelle, and Kevin for taking care of the PubGuys Trivia Heads!  You make my life easier as a host!

I look forward to seeing you all next Thursday at Keyworth Brewing Co.!

Until then…

Slàinte Mhaith

The Angry Irishman

Do not forget to keep checking FacebookTwitterInstagram, and right here at for bonus point opportunities, #didyouknow spectacularness and more.

Scores for 2024-08-15

Game 1

taliban abbot
beer pressure
beer necessities
club shay shay
mother cluckers
bridge st. bros
hop soda
hook 'em
killer rabbit
pivot all day

Game 2

hook 'em
taliban abbot
killer rabbit
club shay shay
last place
bridge st. bros
beer necessities
pivot all day
hop soda
mother cluckers