Thanks for coming out to Division Brewing for our Star Wars themed trivia night! It was great meeting all you new players, and I hope you had such a good time that you'll come back for random knowledge trivia next week.
We had a great evening, with trivia questions that were juuuust right *chef's kiss*, that perfect balance between fun and difficult. And I really enjoyed coming up with all the Star Wars adjacent bonus questions. I don't know about you, but I was very surprised to find out about Carrie Fischer's upcoming posthumous movie release; going to check that out for sure.
Great job on the pundeful team names, too. And of course, big shout out to the winners last night: Inglorious Blasters! You know them from the regular weekly game as the Periodic Table Dancers. Great job guys, enjoy holding onto the championship belt as long as you can.
See you all next week!
Do not forget to keep checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and right here at for bonus point opportunities, #didyouknow spectacularness and more.