Guys, it was really great seeing everyone last night. Division Brewing really is a family, and I'm super happy to be a part of it. Thanks so much for having me out here every week, reading you these silly questions that aggravate you so much. I look forward to it every week.
Now, on to the exciting news! We had a new champion this week! That's right, Hunt for the Red Oktoberfest (originally known as Smell the Glove, but they change it every week) finally nabbed the belt! Great job guys, now you have to defend it next week!
It's going to be fall soon (right?! doesn't feel like it ever will be…), which measns hoodies, and stouts! My favorite time of year. See you all next week!
Do not forget to keep checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and right here at for bonus point opportunities, #didyouknow spectacularness and more.